

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

An interesting Interview

In this blog we have been always talking about modern music...But as long as this is a music blog, I think we can't forget the importance of classical music, and for me it seems something obligatory to mention it in today's post. That's the reason why today I'm interviewing two experts on this matter: Alma Olite, a professional violinist, and Juan Carlos Olite, his father and a musical critic, (collaborator of the magazine "Ritmo".)

- Alma, I know that you have been playing the violin since you were only four years old, what can you tell us about this fantastic experience?

A: When I started to play the violin for me it was like another toy and although I enjoyed playing it, of course I wasn't considering it as a profession. It was later when I was older when I realized it was my passion and I wanted to make a way of living of it.

-And Juan Carlos, could you tell us about your experience with the piano? 
J: For me, to play the piano is like a trip to another world; a world without language, without words, only time and sounds. It is a way to escape from the reality of this world. This is wonderful, this can open every mind, and you feel that your emotions are moving with the rhythm of the poetry of the sound. 

-As I can see, for you both, music is something necessary in your lives, why?
A: I think that the art of the music is something very important for human beings because it improves your sensitivity and gives you a way of expression which is beyond words. In my case, I can express all my feelings through my instrument, and I feel totally complete as a person.

J: I can't imagine my life without music as I can't imagine my life without love. I think music is the best training for mind. Music makes us more intelligent, more sensitive, and more conscious of the authentic reality.

-I suppose all of your answers are related to classical music, which in your opinion is most important. Am I right?
A: I like different kinds of music, for example I like jazz to relax myself, because it makes my mind to go away from problems. But there are other types of music that are not improving our sensitivity and are doing just the opposite. Many people don't appreciate classical music because it requires attention, as well as concentration, and in this century we live, we like everything to be fast and easy. But there is not doubt for me that classical music is a superior creation.

J: Perhaps the question is not very appropriated. I only know two kinds of music: Good music, and bad music. I think most of the named modern music, is very simple and very boring. The reason is that people who like it and usually listen to it don't pay real attention to it. In fact, they don't know how to listen to it. They are always listening to the music while doing others activities such as studding, dancing, playing, talking to their friends, etc, but they never listen to music as the main activity. Music is as valuable as any another activity and most of the classical music is as valuable itself that requires all our attention and even more.

-Well, I don't really agree with you. I understand your position and your point of view since you have been living all your life attending music lessons, and all those things. But we have to understand a teenager that don't have the opportunity to learn all this, or just don't want it because it requires a very big effort and lot of time. Nowadays in our society they have chosen the easiest  way, that is to hear just what is in fashion, in the radio, TV...Even if that’s not the best option. Would you like to add something to this?

A: I respect every opinion, and I’m very tolerant in political and religious decisions. But what I can't assume is people to call classical music boring, without having given an opportunity to it. That’s a topic, a prejudice.

J: I wanted to remind everybody that playing and instrument as a hobby is one the most enjoyable activity that a person could do. It is always a source of pleasure and happiness, no matter the way of expression that one chooses.

In conclusion we could say that both classical and modern music are very important, and can help us in so many different ways, to understand ourselves better, and to be happy and comfortable with life.

I hope you enjoy today’s post and Alma and Juan Carlos’s opinions.
-If you want to know something more about Alma, you can add her in facebook.
-Apart from what we have said, Juan Carlos is also a teacher and a philosopher. You can also visit his personal blog, La moneda de Schopenhauer”, where he relates philosophy and cinema with music, that are his passions, in a very interesting way.

see you next week!

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