1. Introducing myself and my theme: Welcome!!!
2. Sources: OASIS
3. Using hypertext:SUM 41
4. Podcasts and Videoblogs: NIRVANA
5. Interview: HOOKED
6. The 10 things learned: The 10 things I learned
viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
SUM 41
Remember when you liked Sum 41? Remember when you couldn’t stop singing their songs about abortions and el caminos?. This post talks about them
It’s called “Scumfuck” and it’s from their forthcoming album called Screaming Bloody Murder which will be in stores on August 31st. Right now, they’re headlining the Warped Tour where they’re probably playing songs that are a bit better than this one but i’ll let you make that decision.
Where many bands attempt to pursue the holier-than-thou 'artist' angle, where suffering and being misunderstood is a way of life, Sum 41 are taking the blink 182 route: they've been given the keys to the candy store, and they might as well sample everything, before someone changes the locks.
I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
On my own...
I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.
If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
It’s called “Scumfuck” and it’s from their forthcoming album called Screaming Bloody Murder which will be in stores on August 31st. Right now, they’re headlining the Warped Tour where they’re probably playing songs that are a bit better than this one but i’ll let you make that decision.
Where many bands attempt to pursue the holier-than-thou 'artist' angle, where suffering and being misunderstood is a way of life, Sum 41 are taking the blink 182 route: they've been given the keys to the candy store, and they might as well sample everything, before someone changes the locks.
I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
On my own...
I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.
If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
While doing this blog i have learned lot of things and I have improved many skill and I am going to try to resume it into 10 points, despite how difficult it is going to be:
- I have learnt that anyone can post anything (text, images...) on Internet and can be seen by everyone
- I have learnt what is a blog, how to create a blogroll.
- The importance of tags and widgets, which I have learnt to use, the first ones are useful to visitors to find information and widgets make your blog more dinamic and interactive.
- I have learnt what videoblogs and what podcasts are.
- I have learnt how important hypertexts are: if you link, you will be linked
- I have learnt how to do an interview.
- I have learnt how to apply the components of interactivity.
- I have improved my knowledge about rock music, what a rock goup is
- I have learnt how important English is if you want to spread the content of your blog
- I have learnt the difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 and how many oportunities does the web 2.0 gives to you
The name Hooked, where does it come from?
How about the begining? Who created the group?
This year, have you already planned more concerts?
Which is the wierdest this that has happened to you?
Which concert would you choose as the best one? If you can tell me only one...
Which thing would not yo accept if they will be unnecessary to continue with the group? ¿ What would not you stand?
Which is your favourite song?
And in general, which is your favourite song of all times?
What do you like to do on your free time?
Hooked has born on a complicate time for the music ¿ what do you thing about it? As young people, you will not be against of downloading music....
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
Posts by Beatriz Pérez Olite
1. Introducing myself and my theme: "Talking about...Simple Plan!"
2. Sources: "Time for...Paramore"
3. Using hypertext: "Fall Out Boy's Turn"
4. Podcasts and Videoblogs: "The revolution cause by...Jason Derulo"
5. Interview: "An interesting Interview"
6. The 10 things learned: "The 10 things I learn while doing this blog"
The 10 things I have learned while doing this blog
Creating this blog has been a very good and instructive experience and I have learned a lot of things while writing each post. It doesn't seem very easy to resume it all in just 10 points, but I will try anyway. I want to mention the following things as the most important:
1. The discovery of a huge blogger community as a big conversation that has its own rules and roles, that all of us have to respect if we want to be part of it.
2. The Blogs revolution: the big impact that is having nowadays in our society and in media professional’s work. They won't disappear, but they will have to change their way of working, and adapt it to the new influence of internet and also to this easy and free way of publishing, that is giving the opportunity to anyone who wants to do it, without intermediates like editors.
3. I have learned how to search for information and select it in order to make a good resume to write each of my posts.
4.I also have learn a lot about music, as well as a lot of details about my favourites singers, while reading all the information of very different sources.
5. How to publish images and videos, to make our blog more attractive.
6. Interactivity, Multimedia and Hypertext are now familiar concepts for me, and I have understood its huge importance nowadays, and how to use them while doing the blog.
7. After having read Ismael Nafría's book about Web 2.0, I understand the difference between this one and what we use the call Web 1.0, and that is very related with the things that I have just mention.
8. I have learned what a blogroll is, what is for, and how to create it.
9. I have visited many Videoblogs and listened to some Postcasts, and since this is a music blog, it has been even easier to find a wide variety of them and learn investigating them carefully.
10. Of course I have to say that I have improved my written English while doing this blog, reading all the information and writing it later. It has been a very useful exercise for me, because I was force to do it each week. Working in group has also been a challenge, and even if we where only three in our group we have manage to make a good job.
All in all, the experience of writing this blog has been a very positive one, and from now I will continue reading some really interesting blogs that I have found while creating this one.
1. The discovery of a huge blogger community as a big conversation that has its own rules and roles, that all of us have to respect if we want to be part of it.
2. The Blogs revolution: the big impact that is having nowadays in our society and in media professional’s work. They won't disappear, but they will have to change their way of working, and adapt it to the new influence of internet and also to this easy and free way of publishing, that is giving the opportunity to anyone who wants to do it, without intermediates like editors.
3. I have learned how to search for information and select it in order to make a good resume to write each of my posts.
4.I also have learn a lot about music, as well as a lot of details about my favourites singers, while reading all the information of very different sources.
5. How to publish images and videos, to make our blog more attractive.
6. Interactivity, Multimedia and Hypertext are now familiar concepts for me, and I have understood its huge importance nowadays, and how to use them while doing the blog.
7. After having read Ismael Nafría's book about Web 2.0, I understand the difference between this one and what we use the call Web 1.0, and that is very related with the things that I have just mention.
8. I have learned what a blogroll is, what is for, and how to create it.
9. I have visited many Videoblogs and listened to some Postcasts, and since this is a music blog, it has been even easier to find a wide variety of them and learn investigating them carefully.
10. Of course I have to say that I have improved my written English while doing this blog, reading all the information and writing it later. It has been a very useful exercise for me, because I was force to do it each week. Working in group has also been a challenge, and even if we where only three in our group we have manage to make a good job.
All in all, the experience of writing this blog has been a very positive one, and from now I will continue reading some really interesting blogs that I have found while creating this one.
domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010
An interesting Interview
In this blog we have been always talking about modern music...But as long as this is a music blog, I think we can't forget the importance of classical music, and for me it seems something obligatory to mention it in today's post. That's the reason why today I'm interviewing two experts on this matter: Alma Olite, a professional violinist, and Juan Carlos Olite, his father and a musical critic, (collaborator of the magazine "Ritmo".)
- Alma , I know that you have been playing the violin since you were only four years old, what can you tell us about this fantastic experience?
A: When I started to play the violin for me it was like another toy and although I enjoyed playing it, of course I wasn't considering it as a profession. It was later when I was older when I realized it was my passion and I wanted to make a way of living of it.
-And Juan Carlos, could you tell us about your experience with the piano?
J: For me, to play the piano is like a trip to another world; a world without language, without words, only time and sounds. It is a way to escape from the reality of this world. This is wonderful, this can open every mind, and you feel that your emotions are moving with the rhythm of the poetry of the sound.
-As I can see, for you both, music is something necessary in your lives, why?
A: I think that the art of the music is something very important for human beings because it improves your sensitivity and gives you a way of expression which is beyond words. In my case, I can express all my feelings through my instrument, and I feel totally complete as a person.
J: I can't imagine my life without music as I can't imagine my life without love. I think music is the best training for mind. Music makes us more intelligent, more sensitive, and more conscious of the authentic reality.
-I suppose all of your answers are related to classical music, which in your opinion is most important. Am I right?
A: I like different kinds of music, for example I like jazz to relax myself, because it makes my mind to go away from problems. But there are other types of music that are not improving our sensitivity and are doing just the opposite. Many people don't appreciate classical music because it requires attention, as well as concentration, and in this century we live, we like everything to be fast and easy. But there is not doubt for me that classical music is a superior creation.
J: Perhaps the question is not very appropriated. I only know two kinds of music: Good music, and bad music. I think most of the named modern music, is very simple and very boring. The reason is that people who like it and usually listen to it don't pay real attention to it. In fact, they don't know how to listen to it. They are always listening to the music while doing others activities such as studding, dancing, playing, talking to their friends, etc, but they never listen to music as the main activity. Music is as valuable as any another activity and most of the classical music is as valuable itself that requires all our attention and even more.
-Well, I don't really agree with you. I understand your position and your point of view since you have been living all your life attending music lessons, and all those things. But we have to understand a teenager that don't have the opportunity to learn all this, or just don't want it because it requires a very big effort and lot of time. Nowadays in our society they have chosen the easiest way, that is to hear just what is in fashion, in the radio, TV...Even if that’s not the best option. Would you like to add something to this?
A: I respect every opinion, and I’m very tolerant in political and religious decisions. But what I can't assume is people to call classical music boring, without having given an opportunity to it. That’s a topic, a prejudice.
J: I wanted to remind everybody that playing and instrument as a hobby is one the most enjoyable activity that a person could do. It is always a source of pleasure and happiness, no matter the way of expression that one chooses.
In conclusion we could say that both classical and modern music are very important, and can help us in so many different ways, to understand ourselves better, and to be happy and comfortable with life.
I hope you enjoy today’s post and Alma and Juan Carlos’s opinions.
-If you want to know something more about Alma , you can add her in facebook.
-Apart from what we have said, Juan Carlos is also a teacher and a philosopher. You can also visit his personal blog, “La moneda de Schopenhauer”, where he relates philosophy and cinema with music, that are his passions, in a very interesting way.
see you next week!
see you next week!
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010
Fall Out Boy's turn
Fall Out Boy. Everything in this band is original, even its name!
I think that the origin of the band's name is pretty funny. Actually, they did not have a name until their second gig. As we can see, from the start they just loved playing music, and they didn't care about anything else, they didn't even had a name to identify them!
When they where playing in a concert, the audience suddenly asked for their names, and as we can infer, they could not reply! Then one of the audience members shouted out “Fall Out Boy.” From that day, that became their name forever. Funny, isn't it?
The group had a very personal way of playing music. It can be considered pop-punk sound with some elements of emo mixed in. This expectacular sound is a result of a fantastic combination and copenetration between the four members in the group. I'm going to present them a little bit:
-Pete Wentz: bassist and primary lyricist for the American rock band "Fall Out Boy". He and Arma Angelus' bassist Joe Trohman founded the pop punk band.
In February 2005, Wentz spent a week in the hospital, because he attempted suicide by taking an overdose of Ativan, (an anxiety medication). We have to mention that he has a bipolar disorder, and that was the reason of this serious incident. Anyway, after all his problems, he is considered the "soul" of the band, and an indispensable member of the group.
Here you can visit Pete Wentz's personal blog.
-Patrick Stumpt: He is the composer, multi-instrumentalist and lead singer of the band. Besides, he is a record producer and also a music critic.
Apart from producing albums, Stump has also remixed various tracks for soundtracks, such as a remix for the sounds on the Snakes on a Plane soundtrack, a remix of the Fall Out Boy single "Dance, Dance" (later you will be able to read the lirycs of this song), a remix on Fall Out Boy's From Under the Cork Tree special edition release, and also "Pace Yourself" for On Fire.
There's a lot of information in his personal website.
-Joe Trohman: He is the lead guitarist of the band. As an original detail we can remark that Trohman collects guitars, and has designed an electric guitar for Washburn Guitars called the Joe Trohman Washburn Idol. Another remarkable thing can be that this musician is fond of Star Wars, he once confesed that his closet in his apartment is full 95% of Star Wars toys.
-Andy Hurley: He is currently the drummer of the hardcore band "Burning Empires". He joined Fall Out Boy in 2003. Its an intersting fact, that he sutudied a double-majoring in anthropology and history.He describes himself as an anarcho-primitivist, what, as we can imagine, means that he believes that humans are supposed to live the way they did it 10,000 years ago.
Here is one of my favorites songs: "I don't care"
Say my name, and his in the same breath, I
Dare you to say they taste the same,
Let the leaves fall off in the summer
And let December glow in flames
Brace myself and let go,
Start it over again in Mexico
These friends, they don't love you
They just love the hotel suites, now
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
Oh, take a chance, let your body get a tolerance,
I'm not a chance, but a heat wave in your pants
Pull a breath like another cigarette,
Palms up, I'm trading 'em (trading 'em)
I'm the oracle in my chest,
Let the guitar scream like a fascist,
Sweat it out, shut your mouth,
Free love on the streets, but
In the alley and I ain't that cheap, now
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
Said-a, I don't care just a-what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care just what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care (I don't care)
You said I don't care (I don't care)
Said I don't care,
I don't care
I don't care (I don't care), I said-a
I don't care
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery..
"The song I Don't Care was listed for 95 weeks in 10 different charts.
Its first appearance was in the US Airplay Top 100 and the last appearance was in the Australia Singles Top 50. Its peak position was number 17, on the Finland Singles Top 20, it stayed there for a week. Its highest entry was number 17 in the Finland Singles Top 20".
All in all, this group that emerge in 2001, has became one of the most popular rock bands nowadays.
From Under the Cork Tree was the album that released in 2005, and won several awards. It also achieved double platinum status after selling more than 2.5 million albums in the United States alone.
On February 2, 2010, the band is said to have broken up but no official press news or information about this fact was given. Since that moment, the band has reafirmed their status, and their prestigious and power as one the best bands on the stages.
Photo rights: http://www.coolchaser.com/, flikr.com.
I think that the origin of the band's name is pretty funny. Actually, they did not have a name until their second gig. As we can see, from the start they just loved playing music, and they didn't care about anything else, they didn't even had a name to identify them!
When they where playing in a concert, the audience suddenly asked for their names, and as we can infer, they could not reply! Then one of the audience members shouted out “Fall Out Boy.” From that day, that became their name forever. Funny, isn't it?
The group had a very personal way of playing music. It can be considered pop-punk sound with some elements of emo mixed in. This expectacular sound is a result of a fantastic combination and copenetration between the four members in the group. I'm going to present them a little bit:
-Pete Wentz: bassist and primary lyricist for the American rock band "Fall Out Boy". He and Arma Angelus' bassist Joe Trohman founded the pop punk band.
In February 2005, Wentz spent a week in the hospital, because he attempted suicide by taking an overdose of Ativan, (an anxiety medication). We have to mention that he has a bipolar disorder, and that was the reason of this serious incident. Anyway, after all his problems, he is considered the "soul" of the band, and an indispensable member of the group.
Here you can visit Pete Wentz's personal blog.
-Patrick Stumpt: He is the composer, multi-instrumentalist and lead singer of the band. Besides, he is a record producer and also a music critic.
Apart from producing albums, Stump has also remixed various tracks for soundtracks, such as a remix for the sounds on the Snakes on a Plane soundtrack, a remix of the Fall Out Boy single "Dance, Dance" (later you will be able to read the lirycs of this song), a remix on Fall Out Boy's From Under the Cork Tree special edition release, and also "Pace Yourself" for On Fire.
There's a lot of information in his personal website.
-Joe Trohman: He is the lead guitarist of the band. As an original detail we can remark that Trohman collects guitars, and has designed an electric guitar for Washburn Guitars called the Joe Trohman Washburn Idol. Another remarkable thing can be that this musician is fond of Star Wars, he once confesed that his closet in his apartment is full 95% of Star Wars toys.
-Andy Hurley: He is currently the drummer of the hardcore band "Burning Empires". He joined Fall Out Boy in 2003. Its an intersting fact, that he sutudied a double-majoring in anthropology and history.He describes himself as an anarcho-primitivist, what, as we can imagine, means that he believes that humans are supposed to live the way they did it 10,000 years ago.
Here is one of my favorites songs: "I don't care"
Say my name, and his in the same breath, I
Dare you to say they taste the same,
Let the leaves fall off in the summer
And let December glow in flames
Brace myself and let go,
Start it over again in Mexico
These friends, they don't love you
They just love the hotel suites, now
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
Oh, take a chance, let your body get a tolerance,
I'm not a chance, but a heat wave in your pants
Pull a breath like another cigarette,
Palms up, I'm trading 'em (trading 'em)
I'm the oracle in my chest,
Let the guitar scream like a fascist,
Sweat it out, shut your mouth,
Free love on the streets, but
In the alley and I ain't that cheap, now
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
Said-a, I don't care just a-what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care just what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care (I don't care)
You said I don't care (I don't care)
Said I don't care,
I don't care
I don't care (I don't care), I said-a
I don't care
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
I don't care what you think,
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery..
"The song I Don't Care was listed for 95 weeks in 10 different charts.
Its first appearance was in the US Airplay Top 100 and the last appearance was in the Australia Singles Top 50. Its peak position was number 17, on the Finland Singles Top 20, it stayed there for a week. Its highest entry was number 17 in the Finland Singles Top 20".
All in all, this group that emerge in 2001, has became one of the most popular rock bands nowadays.
From Under the Cork Tree was the album that released in 2005, and won several awards. It also achieved double platinum status after selling more than 2.5 million albums in the United States alone.
On February 2, 2010, the band is said to have broken up but no official press news or information about this fact was given. Since that moment, the band has reafirmed their status, and their prestigious and power as one the best bands on the stages.
Photo rights: http://www.coolchaser.com/, flikr.com.
the revolution cause by...Jason Derulo
Today I'm going to analize two videoblogs that have something to do with music, as well as two postcasts, later I will present the singer of this week, which is Jason Derulo.
-Sparkups is the first videoblog that I'm going to talk about. Sparkups is an indie music blog, serving up the latest music videos and free downloads daily. And obviously all the videos that are availabe are videoclips, or similar things. Each post consists on a videoclip of a certain indi music group, (it is not always the same groupe, it change in each post to make it more attractive and offer a wide variety of bands of this origninal kind of music), and it also includes in the great mayority of the cases a brief description of the video, or a comment written by the author of the videoblog.
From time to time, the author also gives his personal opinion about a certain group, or a certain song, or whatever, for example as we can see on October 16th, 2010 he writtes:“I Saw You Walk Away” is easily my favorite song from the new Badly Drawn Boy album. He also use quiet frecuently different types of hypertexts for the user to visit another interesting webpages related to this theme. In my opinion this is an interesting videoblog, for those interested in music, like us.
-Rusian Music Videoblog: I have chosen this russian videoblog, to illustrate that this phenomenon is nowadays spread all around the world. Blogs and music are now connected, and is so easy for us to hear in a certain moment a song that someone in the other part of the world likes so much and wants to share with other bloggers!.
Each post consists in a videoclip,in which we can appreciate a very different kind of music.
And now, I'm going to present two examples of postcasts:
- Celtic music Poscast: Another radical change, to present know this postcast that gives us the opportunity to listen a very original kind of music...Celtic music!
At the beginig we can hear a very brief introduccion and later the song begins...try it!
- Podcast: Move your body: It's a song emited on the program number 31, the 24th of october, sunday, in Fm Sombras 102.3FM.
And now, is Jason Derulo's turn:
For those that still don't know him, Jason Derulo is an American singer, songwriter, actor and dancer, that has became extremely famous, at his early age of 21. Derülo was born in Miami, Florida on 1989.
His birth name is Desrouleaux, but as we can see, he changed it for Derulo, in order to make its pronunciation easier. Nowadays, this name is continuously been pronounced everywhere, as a result of Jason's inevitable attractive for the young public.
Derülo won the grand prize of the TV show Showtime at the Apollo., on the 2006 season finale. Before that, he had been studying at performing arts schools, and improving his natural talent as a singer and dancer
J. R. Rotem was the music producer who discovered Derulo, and meant a huge boost in his carrear.
"Whatcha say" was the debut single of Jason Derulo.
After he proved that the single was successful, he began to work on his debut album. First, he released the second single from his album, "In My Head", on December 2009.
Derülo's debut album, was released on March 2, 2010, with the name of "Jason Derülo".
Here is a little review of Jason Derulo's last concert in New York, by the "Seventeen" magazine:
"Last night, Jason Derulo lit up the stage at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square. With two great opening acts by Australian girl group, Trinity, and La La La singer Auburn, fans were more than ready for the contemporary R&B singer to sing his sultry tunes.
The crowd screamed as Jason walked onto the stage crooning The Sky's the Limit, followed by Love Hangover. As the night went on, Jason barely sang the first lines of his songs before the audience sang for him. For his smash hits Ridin' Solo and In My Head, the music artist held his mic out for everyone to sing along.
By the end of the night, Jason asked if anyone would like to join him on stage. Fans went wild as one lucky girl from the crowd was selected - Jason sang his love song, What If? to her, hugged her and kissed her on the hand!
The night ended with Jason's amazing rendition of the Michael Jackson hit, Billie Jean, Jason ripping his shirt off and an encore of Ridin' Solo!"
As we can see, this was an amazing concert, I wish I was there! Don't you?
I'm going to talk a little bit about the diferent Tours of Jason Derulo, that are the followings:
2009-2010 The Monster Ball Tour (Opening Act)
2010 The E.N.D. World Tour (Opening Act for Toronto dates)
2010-2011 Jason Derülo World Tour (Headlining).
-The Monster Ball Tour, was the second concert tour by the famous Lady Gaga, supporting her third extended play. Jason Derulo and the Rapper Kid Cudi were part of the supporting act for the first North American leg of the tour. It's not necessary to say, that Derulo's actuation was received with a lot of enthusiasm , and he didn't defrauded his fans at all.
-The E.N.D. World Tour, also known as "The Energy Never Dies World Tour", is another concert tour, this time protagonised by The Black Eyed Peas, ( famous by American hip hop group). The tour began in Japan on September 15, 2009. Jason Derülo apears on the opening act, (Canada Dates).
- Jason Derülo World Tour : We are talking about his first headlining world tour, and we have to mention that it stops in Europe, United States, Australia and in New Zealand as well.
Hope you enjoy today's post about the revolutionary Jason Derulo, see you next week!
Photo rights: potenciadance.com, cbswxrk.files.wordpress.com, flikr.com.
-Sparkups is the first videoblog that I'm going to talk about. Sparkups is an indie music blog, serving up the latest music videos and free downloads daily. And obviously all the videos that are availabe are videoclips, or similar things. Each post consists on a videoclip of a certain indi music group, (it is not always the same groupe, it change in each post to make it more attractive and offer a wide variety of bands of this origninal kind of music), and it also includes in the great mayority of the cases a brief description of the video, or a comment written by the author of the videoblog.
From time to time, the author also gives his personal opinion about a certain group, or a certain song, or whatever, for example as we can see on October 16th, 2010 he writtes:“I Saw You Walk Away” is easily my favorite song from the new Badly Drawn Boy album. He also use quiet frecuently different types of hypertexts for the user to visit another interesting webpages related to this theme. In my opinion this is an interesting videoblog, for those interested in music, like us.
-Rusian Music Videoblog: I have chosen this russian videoblog, to illustrate that this phenomenon is nowadays spread all around the world. Blogs and music are now connected, and is so easy for us to hear in a certain moment a song that someone in the other part of the world likes so much and wants to share with other bloggers!.
Each post consists in a videoclip,in which we can appreciate a very different kind of music.
And now, I'm going to present two examples of postcasts:
- Celtic music Poscast: Another radical change, to present know this postcast that gives us the opportunity to listen a very original kind of music...Celtic music!
At the beginig we can hear a very brief introduccion and later the song begins...try it!
- Podcast: Move your body: It's a song emited on the program number 31, the 24th of october, sunday, in Fm Sombras 102.3FM.
And now, is Jason Derulo's turn:
For those that still don't know him, Jason Derulo is an American singer, songwriter, actor and dancer, that has became extremely famous, at his early age of 21. Derülo was born in Miami, Florida on 1989.
His birth name is Desrouleaux, but as we can see, he changed it for Derulo, in order to make its pronunciation easier. Nowadays, this name is continuously been pronounced everywhere, as a result of Jason's inevitable attractive for the young public.
Derülo won the grand prize of the TV show Showtime at the Apollo., on the 2006 season finale. Before that, he had been studying at performing arts schools, and improving his natural talent as a singer and dancer
J. R. Rotem was the music producer who discovered Derulo, and meant a huge boost in his carrear.
"Whatcha say" was the debut single of Jason Derulo.
After he proved that the single was successful, he began to work on his debut album. First, he released the second single from his album, "In My Head", on December 2009.
Derülo's debut album, was released on March 2, 2010, with the name of "Jason Derülo".
Here is a little review of Jason Derulo's last concert in New York, by the "Seventeen" magazine:
"Last night, Jason Derulo lit up the stage at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square. With two great opening acts by Australian girl group, Trinity, and La La La singer Auburn, fans were more than ready for the contemporary R&B singer to sing his sultry tunes.
The crowd screamed as Jason walked onto the stage crooning The Sky's the Limit, followed by Love Hangover. As the night went on, Jason barely sang the first lines of his songs before the audience sang for him. For his smash hits Ridin' Solo and In My Head, the music artist held his mic out for everyone to sing along.
By the end of the night, Jason asked if anyone would like to join him on stage. Fans went wild as one lucky girl from the crowd was selected - Jason sang his love song, What If? to her, hugged her and kissed her on the hand!
The night ended with Jason's amazing rendition of the Michael Jackson hit, Billie Jean, Jason ripping his shirt off and an encore of Ridin' Solo!"
As we can see, this was an amazing concert, I wish I was there! Don't you?
I'm going to talk a little bit about the diferent Tours of Jason Derulo, that are the followings:
-The Monster Ball Tour, was the second concert tour by the famous Lady Gaga, supporting her third extended play. Jason Derulo and the Rapper Kid Cudi were part of the supporting act for the first North American leg of the tour. It's not necessary to say, that Derulo's actuation was received with a lot of enthusiasm , and he didn't defrauded his fans at all.
-The E.N.D. World Tour, also known as "The Energy Never Dies World Tour", is another concert tour, this time protagonised by The Black Eyed Peas, ( famous by American hip hop group). The tour began in Japan on September 15, 2009. Jason Derülo apears on the opening act, (Canada Dates).
- Jason Derülo World Tour : We are talking about his first headlining world tour, and we have to mention that it stops in Europe, United States, Australia and in New Zealand as well.
Hope you enjoy today's post about the revolutionary Jason Derulo, see you next week!
Photo rights: potenciadance.com, cbswxrk.files.wordpress.com, flikr.com.
martes, 12 de octubre de 2010
the beatles, the rolling stones, the who... when you here all this groups, there is only one thing in common that can come round to your head: Oasis
Hey, here where are for another week!! after an intense week i have decided to write about a group that has always helped me to relax, Oasis, which is not too old, but during his history, when they started there in 1994 has been one of the reference music groups os the uk
the Oasis debut, has been named the Greatest Album of All Time.
The album, which featured hits such as Live Forever and Supersonic, pushed the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band into second place in the poll of more than 40,000 music fans.
Another Beatles album, Revolver, came third, followed by Radiohead's OK Computer, and another Oasis release (What's the Story) Morning Glory? in fifth place.
Nirvana's Nevermind, in sixth place, and The Strokes' Is This It, in 20th place, are the only two bands from the US to make the top 20.
The Stone Roses' self-titled album is seventh followed by Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon, and The Smiths' The Queen Is Dead.
Hey, here where are for another week!! after an intense week i have decided to write about a group that has always helped me to relax, Oasis, which is not too old, but during his history, when they started there in 1994 has been one of the reference music groups os the uk
the Oasis debut, has been named the Greatest Album of All Time.
The album, which featured hits such as Live Forever and Supersonic, pushed the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band into second place in the poll of more than 40,000 music fans.
Another Beatles album, Revolver, came third, followed by Radiohead's OK Computer, and another Oasis release (What's the Story) Morning Glory? in fifth place.
Nirvana's Nevermind, in sixth place, and The Strokes' Is This It, in 20th place, are the only two bands from the US to make the top 20.
The Stone Roses' self-titled album is seventh followed by Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon, and The Smiths' The Queen Is Dead.
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
Time for...PARAMORE
Have your ever heard this name?, if not, I'm sure that at least, you have heard one of Paramore's songs.
Maybe it was one of those songs that no matter where or when you listen to it for the first time, later its impossible for you to forget it and get it out of your head, and you don't even know who the singer was!
Paramore's songs perfectly fit in this description... don't you think so?
Now that I have raised the interest and curiosity of those of you that still don't know this magic group...
What is Paramore?, How can we describe it?.
Paramore can be considered an alternative American rock band, integrated by Hayley Williams (voice), Zac Farro (battery), Josh Farro (guitar) and Taylor York (guitar). It was formed in Franklin, Tennessee in 2004, so as we can see this pretty modern band has got to the top in only six years... How can be possible? I'm sure you will understand it in a second, just by listening one of their fantastic songs:
-Misery Business
-Crush Crush Crush
The fact that the band was also nominated to the prizes Grammy, is something that don't surprise us at all.
As a resume of their work, we can mention that in 2005 they edited his first album "All We Know Is Falling". As I have readed, "Instead of giving the debut album a major radio promotional push, Steve Robertson, (Paramore's A&R at Atlantic Records) believed the band should start slowly build through word of mouth. In his words, Robertson -wanted kids to discover the band without it being shoved down their throats-." Personally I think this is a very interesting point of view, and that Steve made the right decision. Nowadays is very common to promote new bands in such a way that almost force teenagers to became fans. Sometimes it seems like they don't have the opportunity to chose which group they want to follow and listen to, because the advartising and the promotion of a certain band becomes so strong that it not only make some lazy teenagers forgot about other interesting groups, but also appears to hypnotize them with all those announces on radio and television, pictures on the newspapers etc. I perfectly understand Steve Robertson, who just wanted the audience to admire Paramore because of how it sounds on stage, because of their lyrics meaning, and all those specific and original things of the real group. He doesn't wanted this band to succeed just because of a major radio promotional push, or a good and powerful advertising campaign giving an adorned and manipulated image of the band in order to make it more attractive. Of course, Steves Robertson's way of promoting the band was risked, but in my opinion the risk was worth it.
In 2007 they throw a second disc "Riot!" witch was rewarded with the Platinum disc in The United States and in the United Kingdom, and with the Gold in Ireland and also in New Zealand.
As a curiosity we can mention that the cover of the album has been compared with the one of the album "Rock Steady" of the ska punk band Not Doubt.
There were a lot of different opinions about this new album. Some of them were really good, such as the positive critics of Jason Lyman Grover of AllMusic. However, for others this album wasn't that well received. For example, is the case of Gareth Dobson de Drowned in Sound, who just give four stars of ten to the album, almost saying that it was unbearable.
His third and last work, "Brand New Eyes" appeared on September 29, 2009 making debut in the number 2 of the Billboard 200 selling 175,000 copies during his first week.
I have always wonder the reason why they decided to call their last album "Brand New Eyes". Now I know the real reason. It is not something new to hear about internal problems in bands. In fact, I could say it is something quite normal. Hence, I was not impressed when I found out that after their success with "Riot!" the members of Paramore had some problems, and experimented a pretty difficult phase. After all, the members of the band have confessed that during this proccess they learned a lot, and all those fights and different points of view helped each of them to remember that the main reason why they were still together in a stage was to play music, which was a dream came true for all of them.
Finally they resolved their problems and they finished this album. Those fights happened to be a very useful tool to Hayley, who was inspired by them when writting the lirycs of "Brand new eyes". As we can see, this title have a clear meaning: It represent a new perspective and a different and better way of facing life among the members in the band.
Maybe it was one of those songs that no matter where or when you listen to it for the first time, later its impossible for you to forget it and get it out of your head, and you don't even know who the singer was!
Paramore's songs perfectly fit in this description... don't you think so?
Now that I have raised the interest and curiosity of those of you that still don't know this magic group...
What is Paramore?, How can we describe it?.
Paramore can be considered an alternative American rock band, integrated by Hayley Williams (voice), Zac Farro (battery), Josh Farro (guitar) and Taylor York (guitar). It was formed in Franklin, Tennessee in 2004, so as we can see this pretty modern band has got to the top in only six years... How can be possible? I'm sure you will understand it in a second, just by listening one of their fantastic songs:
-Misery Business
-Crush Crush Crush
The fact that the band was also nominated to the prizes Grammy, is something that don't surprise us at all.
As a resume of their work, we can mention that in 2005 they edited his first album "All We Know Is Falling". As I have readed, "Instead of giving the debut album a major radio promotional push, Steve Robertson, (Paramore's A&R at Atlantic Records) believed the band should start slowly build through word of mouth. In his words, Robertson -wanted kids to discover the band without it being shoved down their throats-." Personally I think this is a very interesting point of view, and that Steve made the right decision. Nowadays is very common to promote new bands in such a way that almost force teenagers to became fans. Sometimes it seems like they don't have the opportunity to chose which group they want to follow and listen to, because the advartising and the promotion of a certain band becomes so strong that it not only make some lazy teenagers forgot about other interesting groups, but also appears to hypnotize them with all those announces on radio and television, pictures on the newspapers etc. I perfectly understand Steve Robertson, who just wanted the audience to admire Paramore because of how it sounds on stage, because of their lyrics meaning, and all those specific and original things of the real group. He doesn't wanted this band to succeed just because of a major radio promotional push, or a good and powerful advertising campaign giving an adorned and manipulated image of the band in order to make it more attractive. Of course, Steves Robertson's way of promoting the band was risked, but in my opinion the risk was worth it.
In 2007 they throw a second disc "Riot!" witch was rewarded with the Platinum disc in The United States and in the United Kingdom, and with the Gold in Ireland and also in New Zealand.
As a curiosity we can mention that the cover of the album has been compared with the one of the album "Rock Steady" of the ska punk band Not Doubt.
There were a lot of different opinions about this new album. Some of them were really good, such as the positive critics of Jason Lyman Grover of AllMusic. However, for others this album wasn't that well received. For example, is the case of Gareth Dobson de Drowned in Sound, who just give four stars of ten to the album, almost saying that it was unbearable.
His third and last work, "Brand New Eyes" appeared on September 29, 2009 making debut in the number 2 of the Billboard 200 selling 175,000 copies during his first week.
I have always wonder the reason why they decided to call their last album "Brand New Eyes". Now I know the real reason. It is not something new to hear about internal problems in bands. In fact, I could say it is something quite normal. Hence, I was not impressed when I found out that after their success with "Riot!" the members of Paramore had some problems, and experimented a pretty difficult phase. After all, the members of the band have confessed that during this proccess they learned a lot, and all those fights and different points of view helped each of them to remember that the main reason why they were still together in a stage was to play music, which was a dream came true for all of them.
Finally they resolved their problems and they finished this album. Those fights happened to be a very useful tool to Hayley, who was inspired by them when writting the lirycs of "Brand new eyes". As we can see, this title have a clear meaning: It represent a new perspective and a different and better way of facing life among the members in the band.
Hope you enjoy this post and learn something about this music group
It might help you to think about the difficulties of a band
Nothing is as easy as it appears to be!
see you next week!
(the photos have been taken from: fannyshow.com, lacomunidad.elpais.com, planetamusika.com,
and cutegirl456.blogspot.com).
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Introduction to the 60’s and 70’s Rock & Roll Music
Introduction to the 60’s and 70’s rock & roll music
At the beginning of the 1960’s a strange musical phenomenon broke free in the world, this phenomenon was called Rock and Roll. Suddenly electric guitars started screaming around the world: The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, The Doors, Led Zeppelin…All these amazing rock bands were formed during the 60’s and many kept rocking on during the 70’s and even the 80’s. In this in introduction, we’ll go back 50 years ago and see how Rock & Roll made its firsts steps in music History.
First of all we have to know that Rock and roll would have never born without people such as Muddy Watters or B.B King, that’s to say without Blues music. The King: Elvis Presley started rocking out with songs which were deeply rooted in the Blues ( Hound Dog, Jailhouse Rock ) for many people is difficult to make a difference between blues songs and early rock and roll songs, and l have to admit that is difficult for me too, but that is because both were so similar. So if Rock and Roll was born with Elvis Presley during the mid or late 50’s why did l say it was at the early 60’s? Well the answer is easy: Rock and Roll was taken to another level, it crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the States and found a new hot spot in England, in Liverpool to be more precise. Yes l think the Beatles started a new kind of music, some call it pop music (because it began being popular very fast) but it don’t really like this term, as John Lennon was a huge fan of Elvis, the Beatles started playing rock and roll songs but singing in a kind of softer way mixing rock instruments with these new vocal melodies (listen to Love Me Do). Soon in England many other bands were formed, some following the Beatles’ same musical style (The Yardbirds : For Your Love) and others following the rock and blues American style such as the Rolling Stones. To me The Beatles and The Rolling Stones combine their new musical styles to the raise of musical business that was going on, to create Pop music, but pop music itself isn’t a real music style.
![]() |
The Rolling Stones |
But something else was up to change everything again: Psychedelic rock. Linked to the cultural and social context during the mid 60’s this new wave of rock opened the doors to many bands that already existed who started playing psychedelic music for example The Beatles with their album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967. But other new bands had born inside this wave: there were three different spots in the world of the psychedelic music. The first one was San Francisco with bands such as Grateful Dead or Jefferson Airplane in 1965, then Los Angeles with the Doors and finally London with Pink Floyd and their first album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn in 1967. In addition psychedelic rock brought within new musical and sound effects: the Wah, The Fuzz box, all kind of delays, phaser, chorus….and artist like Jimi Hendrix didn’t hesitate to make use of them, actually he was one of the firsts to use the Wah pedal (Voodoo Child). Then the psychedelic drugs such as LSD had a huge part of responsibility of this new musical genre, artist wrote songs about their experiences with those drugs, and as Tim Leary made the Acid test across the US, now musicians where promoters of the Psychedelic wave to… "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” William Blake.
Jimi Hendrix’s second album: Bold As Love, 1967
Then Rock kept on evolving and a new style came, it was the early ages of hard rock, indeed most of the greatest bands of hard rock or metal were formed during the late 60’s: Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Mountain, and of course Led Zeppelin. All these new bands played blues or psychedelic rock and at the beginning of the 70’s started taking their music in a hard rock context. For example Led Zeppelin started playing, their first album: Led Zeppelin was manly a blues album but with some psychedelic influences: Dazed and Confused, Black Mountain Side and How Many More Times that the band considered as a psychedelic jazz song, then Communication Breakdown could be their first real hard rock song. And if some bands where evolving in the hard rock genre, others evolved into progressive rock such as Pink Floyd with their album The Dark Side of the Moon in 1973 which is the third best selling album of all the times.
To conclude, at the beginning of the 1960’s new musical genres have been surging, and have changed our culture in a radical way, all of nowadays bands are influenced by all those bands but, in my opinion, would never be as good as the classics. That’s why l think is important that people keep on listening to this “old stuff” they were the firsts to create a new kind of music style, and they will be remembered, they have to be remembered in the Rock and Roll History for ever. Since people still listening to the classics Rock and Roll will live…Forever. And will be there to bring this music closer to you thanks to this blog.
See You!
Talking about...Simple Plan!
Hi everyone!
My name is Bea, and I'm studying Advertising and Public relations in the Unav.
I'm one the three members of "All the music" blog, and I will be here publishing some interesting information about modern bands each week. We have decided to write about music, because is a common interest between us, and we think almost everybody loves listening to music from time to time. To make our posts more attractive we won't write just about an specific kind of music, but about very different styles.
I hope you like our blog and find it interesting!
If you continue reading you will find out which is the first group I have chosen to write about...
Five guys, Too albums, Thousands of fans, Seven million copies sold all over the world. Famous and caching songs such as “I’m just a kid”, "I'd Do anything,"," "Perfect," and "Welcome to My Life." I'm sure that those of you reading our Post right now have heard about this famous and original group. I’m talking about…SIMPLE PLAN!
Welcome to Simple Plan music. Just turn the volume on, close your eyes, and listen, feel them… Experience what we like best about this cool group!
See the ripping guitars?
See the strong energy?
Feel the power that emerge from them?
Simple Plan has been running strong since forming eleven years ago, in 1999. At that time, I was just a kid…like they say in one of their famous songs…:
I woke up it was 7
I waited till 11
to figure out that no one would call
I think I got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone?
When your spending everyday on your own
And here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
And maybe when the night is dead, I'll crawl into my bed
Staring at these 4 walls again
I'll try to think about the last time, I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go
And they're going to leave me here on my own and here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
What the hell is wrong with me?
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me tonight
I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I'm just a kid tonight…
For me, this song is actually as powerful in its expression of distress of the teenager as it is infectious in his sound. I have always loved this song, although the lyrics are not very happy. But when I was a kid, I used to listen to it and repeat it several times, loving the rhythm, without understanding a single word about what they were saying…I just used to concentrate on moving my head rapidly, feeling the guitars deep inside!
To continue with the introduction of this group, I want to present a little bit the five members of the band:
The first one is David Desrosiers, bass, backing vocals.
-His complete name is David Philippe Desrosiers,
-He was born on August 29, 1980 in Stept Iles, Quebeq, Canada.
-He is known by nicknames: Dave and Ritalin.
-Before working with Simple Plan he was employed at McDonald's.
-He has declared to have taken influences of bands such as Good Charlotte, Pope Roach, between others.
Sebastian Lefebvre is 2 ª guitar of the Canadian band.
-He is described as the shiest member of the band.
-Before being in the band he was employed as doorman at his former institute.
-Before entering the group, he was in a band called "We'd eat her".
-He is the youngest member of Simple Plan.
Pierre Burier: Vocalist of the Canadian band.
-The song "Save You" from the qualified album “Simple Plan " is about his brother Jay, who suffered from Lymphoma’s cancer in 2007. This was very difficult for Pierre, who finally over came the situation.
Chuck Comeau: In Simple Plan, Comeau, with Bouvier's help, is the principal writter of the songs.
-Sometimes it is identified as "the" writer of the band since he writes the majority of the letters, the concepts, and writes the scripts for the musical videos of Simple Plan.
Jeff: He has declared to have received influences of bands as U2, Guns and Roses, Pink Floyd, Kiss, The Beatles, Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182, Def Leppard, Good Charlotte, Hendrix, Mest, Marvelous 3, Goldfinger, Bad Religion, Face to Face, MxPx, Green Day, between others.
-Nowadays he is married and has two children.
These five members of the band had been trying to figure out their new album. Change, of course, comes with an amount of apprehension, and the band recognized the fact they felt a little bit afraid when they began to explore this new territory.
Simple Plan started working on the new album in 2006.
The five members accept that at first, they were scared, and they didn’t wanted to mess with something that they had already worked on, and that they were sure fans would love. That was just too easy for them, as we can imagine they wanted something different, they were looking for a challenge, and they got it.
At the beginning, they weren’t sure about what they were really doing, and working on. As we can see in some interviews, articles etc, they used to make some confessions like this one: "we didn't know if we were on the right track with something cool or if we were just losing our minds."
In my opinion, they had finally created something really good and interesting, by following their feelings and desires, and forgetting about other influences and opinions. It is often said that, “all the great records come from some kind of risk.” And I think this can be really a good example.
I supposed every single fan of simple plan is happy about this new album. In my opinion, for a fan, if it’s a real one, the new style of the record is not that important. What is important for those who like their music, is to just to have the opportunity to own a new and fresh CD, have it in our bedroom, and be able to listen those new and powerful songs whenever we want.
Hope you enjoy the first post of our blog, and Simple Plan as well! see you next week!
My name is Bea, and I'm studying Advertising and Public relations in the Unav.
I'm one the three members of "All the music" blog, and I will be here publishing some interesting information about modern bands each week. We have decided to write about music, because is a common interest between us, and we think almost everybody loves listening to music from time to time. To make our posts more attractive we won't write just about an specific kind of music, but about very different styles.
I hope you like our blog and find it interesting!
If you continue reading you will find out which is the first group I have chosen to write about...
Five guys, Too albums, Thousands of fans, Seven million copies sold all over the world. Famous and caching songs such as “I’m just a kid”, "I'd Do anything,"," "Perfect," and "Welcome to My Life." I'm sure that those of you reading our Post right now have heard about this famous and original group. I’m talking about…SIMPLE PLAN!
Welcome to Simple Plan music. Just turn the volume on, close your eyes, and listen, feel them… Experience what we like best about this cool group!
See the ripping guitars?
See the strong energy?
Feel the power that emerge from them?
Simple Plan has been running strong since forming eleven years ago, in 1999. At that time, I was just a kid…like they say in one of their famous songs…:
I woke up it was 7
I waited till 11
to figure out that no one would call
I think I got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone?
When your spending everyday on your own
And here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
And maybe when the night is dead, I'll crawl into my bed
Staring at these 4 walls again
I'll try to think about the last time, I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go
And they're going to leave me here on my own and here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
What the hell is wrong with me?
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me tonight
I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I'm just a kid tonight…
For me, this song is actually as powerful in its expression of distress of the teenager as it is infectious in his sound. I have always loved this song, although the lyrics are not very happy. But when I was a kid, I used to listen to it and repeat it several times, loving the rhythm, without understanding a single word about what they were saying…I just used to concentrate on moving my head rapidly, feeling the guitars deep inside!
To continue with the introduction of this group, I want to present a little bit the five members of the band:
The first one is David Desrosiers, bass, backing vocals.
-His complete name is David Philippe Desrosiers,
-He was born on August 29, 1980 in Stept Iles, Quebeq, Canada.
-He is known by nicknames: Dave and Ritalin.
-Before working with Simple Plan he was employed at McDonald's.
-He has declared to have taken influences of bands such as Good Charlotte, Pope Roach, between others.
Sebastian Lefebvre is 2 ª guitar of the Canadian band.
-He is described as the shiest member of the band.
-Before being in the band he was employed as doorman at his former institute.
-Before entering the group, he was in a band called "We'd eat her".
-He is the youngest member of Simple Plan.
Pierre Burier: Vocalist of the Canadian band.
-The song "Save You" from the qualified album “Simple Plan " is about his brother Jay, who suffered from Lymphoma’s cancer in 2007. This was very difficult for Pierre, who finally over came the situation.
Chuck Comeau: In Simple Plan, Comeau, with Bouvier's help, is the principal writter of the songs.
-Sometimes it is identified as "the" writer of the band since he writes the majority of the letters, the concepts, and writes the scripts for the musical videos of Simple Plan.
Jeff: He has declared to have received influences of bands as U2, Guns and Roses, Pink Floyd, Kiss, The Beatles, Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182, Def Leppard, Good Charlotte, Hendrix, Mest, Marvelous 3, Goldfinger, Bad Religion, Face to Face, MxPx, Green Day, between others.
-Nowadays he is married and has two children.
These five members of the band had been trying to figure out their new album. Change, of course, comes with an amount of apprehension, and the band recognized the fact they felt a little bit afraid when they began to explore this new territory.
Simple Plan started working on the new album in 2006.
The five members accept that at first, they were scared, and they didn’t wanted to mess with something that they had already worked on, and that they were sure fans would love. That was just too easy for them, as we can imagine they wanted something different, they were looking for a challenge, and they got it.
At the beginning, they weren’t sure about what they were really doing, and working on. As we can see in some interviews, articles etc, they used to make some confessions like this one: "we didn't know if we were on the right track with something cool or if we were just losing our minds."
In my opinion, they had finally created something really good and interesting, by following their feelings and desires, and forgetting about other influences and opinions. It is often said that, “all the great records come from some kind of risk.” And I think this can be really a good example.
I supposed every single fan of simple plan is happy about this new album. In my opinion, for a fan, if it’s a real one, the new style of the record is not that important. What is important for those who like their music, is to just to have the opportunity to own a new and fresh CD, have it in our bedroom, and be able to listen those new and powerful songs whenever we want.
Hope you enjoy the first post of our blog, and Simple Plan as well! see you next week!
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010
Hi! I´m Arantxa and I´m going to be one of the authors of this blog which is gonna talk about MUSIC, different kinds of music because my partners and I are really different one of each other but in spite of this we have that passion in common, we love listen to music.
For my first post, I´ve chosen an special group for me: Red Hot Chili Peppers, but I would not like to start to talk about them without having had introduce my self before.
As I´ve already said I´m Arantxa Rodriguez and I am 18. I´m from Pamplona and few weeks ago I started to study advertising here, in UNAV.
During the past, I did other kinds blogs, but they were quite different to this one cause I used to write in spanish and this is gonna be written in english and the other ones where very very simple with an academical purpose.
Anyway, I start. Red Hot Chili Pepper has been my election. And you could wonder why?who are them? Very simple, they have a personal style, they are not an image of other groups, but upside-down, you may think that you do not know them, but I swear you that if I play you songs as "by the way" or "hey oh, snow" you would say “it is true, I know that song!”
So if you have been one of those ones that here is a bit of history for you:
It is an American rock band created in Los Angeles in 1983. the memebers of this goup are Anthony Kiedis (vocals), Michael "Flea" Balzary (bass), Chad Smith (drums), and Josh Klinghoffer (guitar). Their musical style is a fusion of traditional funk mixed with other musiacl styles including hip hop, punk rock, and psychedelic rock.
on its origins the group featured guitarist Hillel Slovak and drummer Jack Irons. Slovak, however, died beacause of a heroin overdose in 1988, and that ended in Irons' left.they were replaced by Dead Kennedys as the drummer andJohn Frusciante on the guitar.
Blood Sugar Sex Magik was the most significant record for them; having sold overr fifteen million copies, it gave the group's initial mainstream commercial success and international fame. In 2006, the group recorded the album Stadium Arcadium, giving them their first American number one album and reaching the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100.
one of their songs for I feel a special fodness is Californication. For me it is special not as much for its rhythm, but for the letter. They sing about the deterioration of our society, how the world is becoming very superficial and plastic, much like California. Red Hot Chili Peppers were grown up in Hollywood and they are quite familiar with the quinky nature of life its life.
and for me see it not only in the USA, but also in here, spain, every developed country...
But as they best videoclip I could choose Dani California, where they appear performig different mithic music groups as nirvana or The Beatles.
I hope you liked the post and you´ll come back next week!!!
see you!!
miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010
Next article
I am Alvar, I will be talking here about classic rock music about all these bands that changed music history since the 1960's. Next article will be before next wednesday. See you !
Music blog
This is a blog for all the peolpe who like music, different kinds of music: rock and roll, rap, blues, pop music...
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